Passing by value and reference in C#
The code for this is available on Github.

What is a C# Tuple?
C# tuples are a Gotcha! programming interview question because their use is so rare and so wrapped in mystery that it's a good test of...

Dr. Liskov and the Big Board
The code for the Big Board is available here.

What Are Static Classes and Static Methods?
The code for the video below can be found on my Github here.

Seven Financial Moves for New Developers.
This is a companion site to my YouTube video: Seven Financial Moves for New Developers #1. Pay off your student loans. #2. Never spend...

Boxing and Unboxing
I'm starting a new YouTube series on frequently asked "Gotcha" programming interview questions. First up: Boxing and Unboxing. Boxing is...

It's Been a Blast!
Dr. Andrea Sisskin has been a 2nd year resident for almost five years now. It's time for her to move on. The #MyRadGirlfriend story is...

How to Protest Safely
I retired from the National Guard as a Sergeant First Class after 20 years in 2014. Part of the National Guard’s mission is riot...

The Evolution of a Cartoon
Ever wonder how an idea comes to fruition? #myradgirlfriend takes place in the real word, at the fictional University City Hospital in...

The Win Machine
What would you do if someone handed you a computer program that gave you the winning strategy for anything? What would you use it for? ...